Sunday, June 26, 2016

ISZO: iFairy Macaron Red Review

Hi again! I hope you're still enjoying my lens reviews because this time, I am reviewing i.Fairy Macaron Red sponsored by ISZO Circle Lenses. ISZO is an online circle lens store based in Malaysia. It was founded by Neko Choo on 2009 and continue giving quality service and lenses to this date. They have many different kinds of brands, sizes, colors and types of circle lenses. Here is one of the lovely ones they sell.

( Also, Please Buy Me Coffee if you want ❤ )

 Here are it's details:

Price: RM68 or $16.82!!
Brand: i.Fairy
Diameter: 15.0mm
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Water Content: 42%
Life Span:  Yearly
Prescription:  -0.00 ~ -08.50
Package / Pair of Circle Lenses (2 pcs) + FREE Unisex Flip Case/ Cute Animal Lens Case 

ISZO was really nice and professional with their replies. They explain things well and can help you with any concerns. My parcel was shipped last June 2 and it arrived June 23 and that's really fast for my country. Anyway, orders from US and Europe will arrive faster.

The lenses were shipped in a plastic pack with bubble wrap inside. (guess who had so much fun popping them!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 


The lenses were placed inside a cute Hello Kitty plastic and wrapped inside more bubble wrap. ISZO included a free green flip case in my order but they also offer animal cases.

The lenses came in a very small and cute vial. i.Fairy vials look super elegant and pretty. They also have a sticker that verifies its authenticity. Originally, I wanted to try their poppy red but it wasn't available at that time but at least I got to try these lenses that look like bubbles. 

This is what the lenses look like outside of the vial. They are very pigmented and have a very unique style and no outer ring. I used a different case to show the lenses because I knew they wouldn't show up well on the green ones. They look like red bubbles and they remind me of the EOS Bubble series which was also in my wishlist of lenses to try.

Some pictures when worn:


Color and Design: (5/5) 
I love the design of these lenses. Since they have a huge hole in the middle and no outer rings, it looks very natural to your eyes and will make it seem as if you were born with red eyes. 

Comfort: (4/5)  
These lenses were comfortable and easy to insert. My only problem was that it is very hard to tell the correct side because they look the same and both form bowls. the wrong side felt a bit itchy and irritating while the right side was very natural. 

Enlargement: (4/5)  
These lenses make my eyes look bigger. They might not be as enlarging as 16 mm ones but the effect makes up for it in more ways than one. 

Visibility of Effect: (4/5)   
The lenses show up well up close and from a far.  It doesn't look too unnatural and actually blends well with your eyes. 

Overall: (4/5) 
I really recommend these lenses if you're looking for nearly natural red lenses. They look better than if not all, most red contacts. It isn't uncomfortable and it's super pretty. Make sure to follow ISZO on their other social media accounts

Instagram: @iszocirclelens

Find Me on other Social Medias!
Snapchat: berrylonely

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Pinky Paradise: Vassen Cloud Nine Violet Review

Hello everyone! Today I'll be reviewing Vassen Cloud Nine Violet sponsored by Pinky Paradise!
Pinky Paradise is a very well-known site that sells Contact lenses in various colors, sizes and designs.
They're one of the leading and most trusting sites to get contacts from and I know various bloggers, cosplayers and makeup & beauty enthusiasts would agree.

( Also, Please Buy Me Coffee if you want ❤ )

 Here are it's details:

Price: $23.90
Brand: VASSEN 
Origin: South Korea
Diameter: 14.5mm & 15.0mm
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Water Content: 42%
Life Span:  Yearly
Prescription:  -0.00 ~ -10.00
Package / Pair of Circle Lenses (2 pcs) + FREE Macaron Lens Case 

Pinky Paradise was very kind and sweet. They have this system that sends you a message if they're away so you will know when they can reply. My problem was that their messages get sent to my spam folder most of the time. (´;д  ;`) I also didn't get a message of the tracking number. 
( Apparently some people also experienced the same thing )

The parcel arrived June 17 and I think they sent it around May 16-18 so shipping was around 4 weeks. It usually takes them 14-25 days to arrive but ours is in a rural part so it takes a bit longer. They used a bubble envelope to send their lenses.

Inside the parcel, you can find your lenses securely wrapped in a foam padding to prevent leakage and the vials breaking. Pinky Paradise also included a cute Japanese Velcro Hair Tape (inside the blue plastic bag ) used to hold your bangs while washing your face ,doing makeup, etc. 

They also came with CUTE MACARON CASES and I even got PINK! I was so happy!! (●♡∀♡)  

The lenses came in a vial where you can see its series name, grade/power on the lid, information including diameter, water content & base curve and of course , its manufacture and expiry dates. 

This is what the lenses look like outside of the vial. The laces and details of its design are very clear and the color is more pigmented than most circle lenses but still not at the level of animation lenses. 


Color and Design: (4/5) 
I love how these lenses look like in the picture. They looked really elegant and pretty and I wanted to wear it so much.  

Comfort: (5/5) 
These lenses were not uncomfortable at all. I didn't even realize I was wearing lenses at that time and it felt natural. 

Enlargement: (4/5)  
These have a nice diameter. They make my eyes bigger and transform me into an anime character. 16 mm lenses are still the best but these are also really great.

Visibility of Effect: (3.5/5) ☆☆  
The lenses weren't that clear from a far. It certainly has more color and pigmentation than most lenses but they just sho up as a slightly different color on my black eyes. When I wore the lenses, it looked more blue than violet. It still did look beautiful.  

Overall: (4/5) 
I really recommend these lenses to people looking for good purple lenses. They are really comfortable and makes your eyes dollier. Pinky Paradise were also super kind so I definitely recommend using their site to buy lenses from. Be sure to check their other social media! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Lens Flavors: Pretty Crystal Green Review

Hi everyone! This time, I'm gonna be reviewing  Vassen Pretty Crystal Green sponsored by Lens Flavors. Lens Flavors is an online circle lens shop based in Malaysia. They offer FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE and cater lots of designs and colors.

( Also, Please Buy Me Coffee if you want ❤ )

Here are it's details:

Price: $26.90
Diameter: 14.5 mm & 15 mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6 mm
Usage: 1 year disposal 
Prescription: -0.00 ~ -8.00
Includes: 1 pair of lenses + 1 macaron lens case

Lens flavors was very nice, sweet and friendly. I was surprised when I got their email on my iphone because I didn't receive it on my google mail app. I think the main problem is their mailing system because sometimes it goes to my spam too and also the fact that I received my tracking number 10-15days after they had shipped it. 

The parcel arrived June 17. Their estimated shipping time is usually 14-30 days after sending and mine arrived around 3-4 weeks. The lenses came inside a bubble envelope.  

Inside it, the lenses were carefully wrapped in foam to secure them and to avoid leakage. Each order comes with a cute macaron lens case and I got these blue and yellow ones. Lens Flavors also included a cute Japanese Velcro Hair Tape (inside the pink plastic bag ) used to hold your bangs while washing your face ,doing makeup, etc. 

The lenses were inside a vial that contains all information about the lenses such as diameter, color, series, bc, water content and expiry date if you aren't planning on wearing them any time soon. 

This is how the lenses look outside of the vial. It doesn't show well due to the fact that the base of the lens case is yellow but they're really pretty so I switched out the case just to show you how it looks like. The front and the back part of the lenses look very similar so you have to double check if you got the right side on.

Some pictures when worn:

Sassy lost child 


Color and Design: (4/5) 
I love how these lenses look like. They look like crystals and are super sparkly. I spent a few minutes just admiring how they look like. It doesn't have a black outer ring so it helps it blend naturally in your eyes. 

Comfort: (5/5) 
I didn't have a single problem with these lenses. They were very easy to insert, remove and even look around with. I can wear these for maybe 8hrs and I wont even feel that I'm wearing them.

Enlargement: (4/5)  
Despite only being 14.5 mm, I personally think these lenses actually have the effect of 15 mm. They look as huge as my 14.8mm ones or even bigger! I think it's because of the fact that it doesn't have an outer ring but either way, it's really dolly and cute.

Visibility of Effect: (3.5/5)   
(note: I have dark eyes)
Up close, they look so cute, sparkly, and pigmented but from afar, they barely show color and appear only as a slight dark green. I was a little bit disappointed that its beauty can only be seen up close. However, these would be perfect for people with light eyes 

Overall: (4/5) 
I really love these contact lenses! They have an elegant feel to them and it makes my eyes shine. They are very comfortable and easy to manage. Tho I definitely recommend these to people with lighter eye colors than those with dark ones. 

That's it for my review. Special thanks to Lens Flavors! I hope they become one of the most leading circle lens shops online soon. Be sure to follow them on their other social media accounts

Instagram: @lensflavors

Find Me on other Social Medias!
Snapchat: berrylonely